My First

My first spa treatment EVER was something to write about. I couldn’t imagine going to the SPA at home because it doesn’t really feel like a S-P-A. You know… ocean breeze, amazing views, fresh coconut drink, island music in the air feeling? Escaping from it ALL feeling? Yes, I decided to do just that while vacationing at Myrtle Beach for the weekend. I found all the above except the fresh coconut drink : ( Great thing was, I didn’t have to scout the whole beach for an affordable experience. I found the Atlantis Spa at the Sand Dunes Resort just a few blocks away from where we were staying. I called on Friday and got us in for Saturday. I CAN’T WAIT! I thought to myself. My Green Tea Mint salt scrub would just have to wait at home.


We arrived at the busy resort and found our way to the spa. We were greeted by Yvette and in just a few minutes we were in our rooms. I was advised to go with the SUGAR scrub instead of the salt since I was a little dry.  First, massage..  then hot rock massage { besalt they are called?} and lastly the scrub. ONE hour went by… it’s been an hour? Nonetheless, I felt ren-e-w-e-d. AND my phone didn’t ring!

Notice how fun times aways go so fast? I could go for 2 more hours of this! Anyway, I could get used to this method of relaxation. Better than shopping, eating, and SHOES? Yes, at times this would do. I would highly recommend the treatment. Any treatment for that matter if a scrub isn’t for you. I encourage ALL husbands, boyfriends, fiances to give a gift of relaxation to your loved ones. She will THANK YOU! And vice versa. Remember how hard it is to buy for us? Well, think no more.


For brides-to-be? Just DO it! Your sanity will thank YOU. Yvette recommends having one done about 2 days before the big day. Or try it out a month before to make sure it is for you. So, the next thing on my TO DO list… is to find a place where I can buy the hot rocks, towel warmer machine, etc…

 : ) Have a spa-rific day!


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