Engagement: Melissa & Joe { Keeneland, Lexington }

Melissa is a romantic at heart. She might have watched Sweet Home Alabama more than a ‘few’ times ; ) and the scene where Reese walks into a room filled with flowers, only to find her boyfriend on bended knee….. oh will she have a romantic proposal as dreamy as that? After waiting a while, she was getting anxious. Maybe today? Next month? Next year? While traveling? She was beginning to wonder! Joe, simple Joe… is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. The sweetest, according to Melissa. He leaves her notes, flowers while she’s away. He- in Louisville. She- in Lexington. One day, they bought a lottery ticket, dreaming of hitting the BIG one and spending to their hearts desire!! As she was leaving to go home to Lexington, grabbing some water, she turned around to find Joe…. on his knee. With a ring of course. A VERY nice ring. She said, ” Can I keep it?” All the while thinking Joe was just ‘showing’ it to her….Anxious, no more. Surprised? Indeed.

{ GOOD PROPOSAL STORY: Where did Joe propose? In his kitchen }

Yes, my gorgeous couple : )

With Emma & Katie…

A JUNE wedding it’ll be. And it’s TOMORROW!! Can’t wait : )

SO happy for you both, Melissa & Joe.

Here’s to a great weekend!

{ xo }

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